Category: .NET

  • SubSonic and Club Starter Kit

    If you don't code generate your DAL or use OR/M or anything that would make you worry less about DataAccess like LINQtoSQL, Entity Framework, NHibernate, Castle ActiveRecord then you should definitely give SubSonic a shot. On the side I'm currently working on a C# version of Extended Club Starter Kit Version 3 Beta 1 for…

  • Link: Sandcastle Source Code published in Codeplex

    After some issues regarding the license and terms of SandCastle in CodePlex, the project is now again available at CodePlex; this time with source code and not just the executable and documentation. You can read more on this at this SandCastle blog post : Sandcastle Source Code published in Codeplex Or go directly to their…

  • Free Foundations of Programming Book by Karl Seguin

    Came across this Foundations of Programming Book by Karl Seguin (ebook actually) when I looked into It contains articles that were previously posted on the site and I had the chance to scan/skim over it and wow, I’d have to say this is a must read for developers at any level (probably even the…

  • Link: SQL Server 2008: new data types and .Net 2 with and without SP1

    Here's an interesting I came across in the recent Simple Talk Newsletter (by Red Gate Software). It talks about issues with new SQL 2008 data types (date/time related) and it's effect on .NET 2.0 datetime data types when SP1 is installed or not. Something to be aware of and one of those times that you're…

  • Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors

    I was going thru some pages for my current project today when I ran into the said error "Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors". It was the first time I've encountered it and since it was working the last time I browsed it I didn't have a clue what was causing…

  • Link: Testing SQL Stored Procedures Using LINQ

    Just ran into this interesting article on MSDN Magazine about using LINQ to test stored procedures. It would be a bad idea to test stored procedures using other stored procedures too (eg. insert SP then verify presence of inserted value using select/load SP) so traditionally we do it using ADO.NET object (conn, commands) to build…

  • Link: SandCastle removed from CodeProject (temporarily I hope)

    Due to popular outcry against having a non-open source project on the site, Microsoft has pulled Sandcastle from CodePlex. According to Anand, Microsoft is considering either moving the project to MSDN Code gallery or republishing the project with the source code. In the mean time you can download the May CTP from Paulo Santos' mirror.…

  • Replacing Recursion with a Stack

    I've been wanting to write about this for a long time and googling didn't return popular hits back then but just had time to write this but sharing nevertheless. In a number of programming interview guides (most notably that of Joel Spolsky) it has been mentioned that one of the ways (note: only one and…

  • Considerations for AJAX UpdatePanel, Page Methods and Web Services

    I would not even pretend to be all knowing here but I couldn't stop myself from sharing this chain of interesting links which should remind all of us of the dangers of abusing UpdatePanels thinking that using it in any way will make our old non asynchronous pages work like magic. [more] My journey starting…

  • Updating ASP cookie from ASP.NET (vice versa)

    You might encounter a case where updating an ASP (classic/3.0) cookie from ASP.NET code (or vice versa) doesn't work. That is despite updating the cookie value, the old value still remains. [more] I was working on a having an ASP page communicate some information to an ASP.NET (2.0) page and vice versa and since the…