Tag: asp.net

  • BlogEngine.NET migrating to IIS 7

    This blog running on BlogEngine.NET (and the its parent/main site) is now running on IIS 7 Integrated Mode and would like to share a little of my experience. There were two major issues with I migrated these blog to IIS 7 [more] 1) Server Error in / Application – Request is not available in this…

  • SubSonic and Club Starter Kit

    If you don't code generate your DAL or use OR/M or anything that would make you worry less about DataAccess like LINQtoSQL, Entity Framework, NHibernate, Castle ActiveRecord then you should definitely give SubSonic a shot. On the side I'm currently working on a C# version of Extended Club Starter Kit Version 3 Beta 1 for…

  • Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors

    I was going thru some pages for my current project today when I ran into the said error "Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors". It was the first time I've encountered it and since it was working the last time I browsed it I didn't have a clue what was causing…

  • Considerations for AJAX UpdatePanel, Page Methods and Web Services

    I would not even pretend to be all knowing here but I couldn't stop myself from sharing this chain of interesting links which should remind all of us of the dangers of abusing UpdatePanels thinking that using it in any way will make our old non asynchronous pages work like magic. [more] My journey starting…

  • Updating ASP cookie from ASP.NET (vice versa)

    You might encounter a case where updating an ASP (classic/3.0) cookie from ASP.NET code (or vice versa) doesn't work. That is despite updating the cookie value, the old value still remains. [more] I was working on a having an ASP page communicate some information to an ASP.NET (2.0) page and vice versa and since the…

  • Button doesn’t postback after clicking Back Button in Firefox

    I ran into this behavior (which I think is weird) where a button no longer posts back to ther server after I click on a the Firefox's back button. [more] I'm not sure if I'm missing some incorrect settings whatsoever but it works on IE7.  I'm hoping someone who runs into this might verify or…

  • Page ViewState, Control ViewState and ControlState

    Just a quick note. I was working on some Web User Control and needed to persist information across postbacks and thought of using ViewState. But while I was working on it, I realized that I was using the same key for saving another information in the parent Page's (the Page containing the user control) ViewState.…

  • Hand editing web.config or not

    I've come across a number of issues in the past where the cause of the issue is that someone hand edited the web.config and resulted to a not well formed XML (missing tags, unclosed quotes et al). The recommended way of doing it is [more]to minimize these issues is to use the ASP.NET Configuration Settings…

  • PlaceHolder/Panel Visibility, ViewState on Security and Performance

    It is not unusual to see a solution where use of asp:Placeholder and asp:Panel Visibility is employed to show/hide certain details from the user. When implementing a simple Authorization/Permission features[more], it would also be tempting to use such approach. (mentioned simple since there are likely more complicated but better ways to do it) Of course…

  • Built-in ASP.NET Development Server cannot be accessed using non-localhost URL

    Alvin, a coworker of mine raised an interesting point about the ASP.NET Development Server (previously named "Cassini") hours ago. Forgive my ignorance but it seems that the said builtin server was constrained to be accessed only with localhost or and [more]would not work when using your IP (non loopback) nor machine name. For IE…