Here's a small Windows Forms application that I created to automate removal of malicious SCRIPT tags inserted into some web files. [more] (or in general – even non malicious scripts).
Of course, you can always do this manually but if we're talking of hundreds or thousands of files, it will be one heck of a job.
The idea is to:
1) retrieve list of all script tags in all files in a given folder (including subfolders)
2) list scripts found
3) select the scripts to remove – ALSO, if the script contains line break, select it then click on the [View Script Detail] button. Also note that the checkedListBox is not set to check on click
4) set a folder to save the "cleaned" file
5) then process (remove the selected scripts and they will be saved on the Target Folder – retaining their folder hierarchy)
That's it
Here's a glimpse at the "core" code for the application. Note that I employed recursion inside of the faster, better performing stack approach for simplicity.
The complete source code can be downloaded below. Along with the output (executable).
** Search a root folder (and subfolder and files) for script tags (and their contents ofcourse)
70 // recursive
71 private void SearchFolder(string newRootFolder)
72 {
73 DirectoryInfo rootDir = new DirectoryInfo(newRootFolder);
74 foreach (FileInfo fi in rootDir.GetFiles())
75 {
76 SearchFile(fi);
77 }
79 foreach (DirectoryInfo di in rootDir.GetDirectories())
80 {
81 SearchFolder(di.FullName);
82 }
83 }
85 private void SearchFile(FileInfo fi)
86 {
87 using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fi.FullName))
88 {
89 string fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
90 MatchCollection ms =
91 Regex.Matches(
92 fileContent,
93 @"<script([^>]*)>.*?</script>",
94 RegexOptions.Singleline); // handle line breaks inside script tags
96 foreach (Match m in ms)
97 {
98 if (checkedListBox1.Items.Contains(m.Value))
99 continue;
101 checkedListBox1.Items.Add(m.Value);
102 }
103 }
104 }
** Process a root folder (and subfolder and files), check if a script marked as to be removed is found, replace it with empty string (effectively removing it) then save the file on the Target Folder.
106 // recursive
107 private void ProcessFolder(string newRootFolder)
108 {
109 DirectoryInfo rootDir = new DirectoryInfo(newRootFolder);
110 foreach (FileInfo fi in rootDir.GetFiles())
111 {
112 ProcessFile(fi);
113 }
115 foreach (DirectoryInfo di in rootDir.GetDirectories())
116 {
117 ProcessFolder(di.FullName);
118 }
119 }
121 private void ProcessFile(FileInfo fi)
122 {
123 string path = fi.FullName;
124 using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
125 {
126 string fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
127 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(fileContent);
128 int origLength = sb.Length;
129 foreach (string stringToRemove in selectedScripts)
130 {
131 sb.Replace(stringToRemove, String.Empty);
132 }
134 if (sb.Length != origLength)
135 {
136 string newFilePath = path.Replace(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text);
137 string newFileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(newFilePath);
138 if (!Directory.Exists(newFileDirectory))
139 {
140 Directory.CreateDirectory(newFileDirectory);
141 }
143 string newFileContent = sb.ToString();
144 using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(newFilePath))
145 {
146 sw.Write(newFileContent);
147 }
148 }
149 }
150 }
Files for Download: (11.11 kb)
Hope this helps in one way or another and as usual, feel free to make comments/corrections. This has been haphazardly made but tried my best to make it useful and working.
*** Note that this has some known limitations (due to the regex expression used):
1) script tags has spaces like <script>abc</script > (note that the end script tag has a script before >)
2) self closing script tags <script src="url" />
as there was no need for me to handle these cases, however should you need to handle them, feel free to drop me a message and I'll try to help out.
By the way, Happy 2009 everyone!