Link: SQL Server 2008: new data types and .Net 2 with and without SP1

Here's an interesting I came across in the recent Simple Talk Newsletter (by Red Gate Software).

It talks about issues with new SQL 2008 data types (date/time related) and it's effect on .NET 2.0 datetime data types when SP1 is installed or not. Something to be aware of and one of those times that you're glad you have a web rather than a desktop application. (you only have to install SP1 on the server(s))

SQL Server 2008 has introduced a few new data types, among others the
new date types, like date, time, datatime2 and datetimespan. Because
.Net 2 was released before SQL Server 2008 has introduced these data
types, there are no classes that map to these new types in .Net 2.
But this has changed with .Net 2 SP1, which introduces the DateTimeOffset structure.

Read full article from the following link :SQL Server 2008: new data types and .Net 2 with and without SP1




