Category: Web

  • Browsing Security with NoScript

    While working (or actually just playing around) with the infamous SQL injection attacks seen around lately I think it should be worth mentioning that being a developer browser and your own PCs security security is also important  or as important as securing your web servers and databases. [more] Since the some (most) of the variants…

  • SQL injection attacks – banner82 script

    UPDATE (6/19/2008) : For both IT people and end users please spend time reading through (if not here then at least from other sites, just be sure you are aware nevertheless) if you aren't that aware yet since this exploit has been continually spreading despite numerous warnings already made in the web. For developers, please…

  • Button doesn’t postback after clicking Back Button in Firefox

    I ran into this behavior (which I think is weird) where a button no longer posts back to ther server after I click on a the Firefox's back button. [more] I'm not sure if I'm missing some incorrect settings whatsoever but it works on IE7.  I'm hoping someone who runs into this might verify or…

  • Link: Recent SQL Injection Attacks

    I figured this would be a good reminder. I've known some people who would have thought just because they create client side validators and use stored procedures they are no longer vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Ready the full article from the link below and it will contain links on how to protect yourself from…

  • Firefox Bookmarks Location and Moving it

    It just so happened that I've been asked where Firefox Bookmarks are stored a number of times [more](and I have to admit I also had to look for it the first time) so I figured I'd post here for everyone's convenience (did the gooling for you) It's usually (by deafult I believe) located at C:Documents…

  • Microsoft AdCenter Beta Programs

    I just got an email from Microsoft Media Information regarding an invitation to join Microsoft AdCenter Analytics in its Beta stage (MS equivalent to Google Analytics). [more] I'm not sure where I got this information before (likely before this blog was in place, otherwise I would have placed it in my "notes") but I googled…

  • My Technorati Profile

    To claim this blog in technorati I have a link to my profile so here it goes: Technorati Profile Rank: 8,911,336 – not a bad start. hehehe  

  • NO-www vs YES-www

    For some time I was wondering why some sites where you access without a WWW redirects you to the one with WWW subdomain. I know most of us will agree that accessing with or without the WWW subdomain should be supported. But in addition to this, I find the arguments of the no-www side more…

  • HTTP 403.9 – Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected

    I was trying to test multiple connections to my local IIS server when I got the http status/error code above. This is because there is a limit to the number of concurrent connections with Keep-Alive Enabled setting ON. So I unchecked "HTTP Keep-Alive enabled" and the issue was resolved. But when I run/debug from…